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Understanding Common Allergens in Your Dog's Food

Understanding Common Allergens in Your Dog's Food

As responsible dog parents, we strive to provide our beloved furry family with a diet that promotes their health and happiness. For dogs with dietary hypersensitivities or allergies, it's prudent to be aware of potential allergens commonly found in commercial dog foods. In this blog post, we will shed light on these allergens, the importance of careful food selection, and offer suggestions on recognizing and addressing allergic reactions in your furry companion.


Identifying Common Allergens

Several ingredients found in commercial dog foods can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive dogs. These allergens include, but are not limited to:

Animal-derived proteins

these are the most common allergens, especially meat from chickens, cattle (beef), and fish. Chicken eggs and dairy are also very common allergens for dogs

Plant-based proteins

these are much less common allergens than animal-derived proteins, but some dogs may have sensitivity to soy, corn or wheat.

Non-allergic adverse food reactions

Although not common allergens, it is possible for dogs to have adverse reactions that look very similar to allergies to artificial colours and preservatives or other additives in commercial food products.


Recognizing Allergic Reactions

Allergies in dogs can manifest in various ways. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and guidance.

Skin Irritations

Excessive itching, redness, rashes, or hot spots.

Digestive Issues

Vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea, or flatulence.

Respiratory Problems

Sneezing, coughing, or wheezing.

Ear Infections

Frequent ear scratching, redness, or discharge

Anal Gland Problems

Excessive perineal licking, inappropriate anal gland expression, anal gland impaction and infections.


Choosing Dog Food Carefully

When selecting dog food, it's crucial to read ingredient labels attentively. If your dog has a dietary intolerance or allergies, look for products that are free from the allergens they are known to respond to. Opt for limited ingredient diets or hypoallergenic formulas specifically designed for dogs with allergies. For dogs with very sensitive systems, even the risk of cross contamination with an allergen can cause problems, so products made in controlled facilities may be required. Consider seeking guidance from your veterinarian to determine the best food options for your dog's specific needs.

At Vivus Pets, we understand the importance of providing allergen-free nutrition for dogs. Our pet nutrition products are carefully crafted to exclude the common animal-based allergens and contain no soy, corn, wheat, artificial colors or preservatives. We strive to support as many dogs as possible, including those with dietary hypersensitivities and allergies and prioritize the use of high-quality, natural ingredients that promote health and well-being for your furry friend. Being aware of common allergens in dog food is vital for ensuring the health and happiness of our most sensitive four-legged companions. By carefully selecting dog food free from allergens and artificial additives, we can reduce the risk of allergic reactions in and support these dogs' overall well-being. Consider exploring Vivus Pets' range of pet nutrition products to provide your dog with a nourishing and safe diet.